Cookie Policy of KeyScreener product

version 1.0. dated 2024


1. Introduction

This document (hereinafter – CP) constitutes Cryptology Key OÜ (hereinafter – CK,or us) policy in regard to the HTTP cookies data (small text files we send toyour computer or mobile device), which are unique to your account or yourbrowser. Key Screener, to you. It is an integral part of the Terms and conditions ofKey Screener product (hereinafter – T&C).

Generally, there are 2 types of cookies: (a) the session-based cookies (whichlast only while your browser is open and are automatically deleted when youclose your browser), and (b) persistent cookies (which last until you or yourbrowser delete them or until they expire).

We use such files and similar technologies (e.g., like single-pixel gifsand web beacons) in our activities. To be exact, we use both session-based andpersistent cookies to provide you services or to make it easier to navigate thewebsite.

We set and maintain our own cookies on the website, and we also usethird party cookies, like Google Analytics.

2. Cookies in details

Some cookies are associated with your account and personal informationin order to remember that you are logged in and which services you order. Othercookies are not tied to your account but are unique, and allow us to carry outanalytics and customization, among other similar things.

Cookies can be used to recognize you when you visit our website or useour services, remember your preferences, and give you a personalized experiencethat’s consistent with your settings. Cookies also make your interactionsfaster and more secure.

Cookies and other ad technologies (such as beacons, pixels, and tags)help us market more effectively to users that we and our partners believe maybe interested in our services. They also help provide us with aggregatedauditing, research, statistics and reporting, and know when content has beenshown to you.

You may prefer not to allow cookies, which is why most browsers give youthe ability to manage cookies to suit your interest. In some browsers you mayalso manage cookies preferences for each particular website.

3. Your options in regard to cookies

You can find the instructions how to manage your cookies for differentbrowsers below:

Google Chrome






For any other browsers – please consult the documentation that yourbrowser manufacturer provides.

You may opt-out of third-party cookies from Google Analytics on therelevant website.

You can opt out of interest-based targeting provided by participating adservers through the Digital Advertising Alliance ( Inaddition, on your iPhone, iPad or Android, you can change your device settingsto control whether you see online interest-based ads.

Be aware, that if you limit the ability of websites and applications toset cookies, you may spoil your overall user experience and/or lose the abilityto access the services, since it will no longer be personalized to you. It mayalso stop you from saving customized settings, like login information.

Also, please note, that the pop-up window, which is shown to you uponyour entrance on our website, provides you with the option to opt-out incompliance with the provision of the law applicable.

4. Cookies which we use on our website:

·     Authentication – if you're signed in toour website, cookies help us show you the right information and personalizeyour experience;

·     Security – we use cookies to enable andsupport our security features, and to help us detect malicious activity;

·     Preferences, features and services – cookiescan tell us which language you prefer and what your communications preferencesare, and they can help you fill out forms on our website more easily. They alsoprovide you with features, insights, and customized content);

·     Marketing – we may use cookies to help usdeliver marketing campaigns and track their performance, e.g., a user visitedour support page and then made a purchase, and, similarly, our partners may usecookies to provide us with information about your interactions with theirservices but use of those third-party cookies would be subject to the serviceprovider’s policies;

·     Performance, analytics and research – cookieshelp us learn how convenient our website is for users, and we also use cookiesto understand, improve, and research products, features, and services,including to create logs and record when you access our website from differentdevices, such as your work computer or your mobile device.

5. Our contact details

Youmay contact us via several methods:

Sendus an email to the following address with thesubject matter of your concern (any of the aforementioned or else), and weshall answer you at our first convenience.

Cryptology Key OÜ

Registrycode: 17062904

Address:Estonia, Harju maakond, Tallin,

Kesklinnalinnaosa, Tornimäe tn 7-36, 10145
